Why to Plant Trees: 9 Powerful Reasons and Mind-blowing Benefits

Everyone have a question that why to plant trees? Trees are very important for our environment and play a very essential role in maintaining ecosystem of the earth. You can plant small trees in your balcony, backyard or in a community park to contribute the green living on the earth. Planting trees is also crucial because it not only improves the quality of air but also helps in maintain the climate change on the earth. If we talk about trees, so it has numerous of benefits for human health also and for nature also. This article will help you to understand the importance of planting tree, their benefits and help you to clear this question “why to plant trees”.

“Why to plant trees” If you also have such kind of question in your mind so here are 9 Powerful Reasons with Mind-blowing Benefits which will help you to understand the importance of why to plant trees in environment.

Trees Helps to Improve Air Quality

One of the most important benefits of planting trees is that they are capable to purify the polluted air. The trees absorb all the carbon dioxides and purify to release oxygen from them, which makes air cleaner and fresher. Trees also filter pollutant air like sulfur dioxide, ammonia and nitrogen oxides to reduce the harmful substances from the air.

Trees Helps to Combat Climate Change

In today’s days we all knows that global warming is increasing day by day and it is very dangerous for our earth atmosphere and human life. Trees are those warriors who help to reduce the global warming. But question is how?  Trees absorb carbon dioxide, which is one of the dangerous gases which cause greenhouse effects and are responsible for the climate change in the atmosphere. This is known as carbon sequestration which helps to reduce the effects of the carbon dioxide and slows down the global warming effect.

How Tree helps to Support Biodiversity?

As we know there are lots of animals and their species who are surviving on the earth. Forests are their home and about 80% of the world terrestrial species are living in it. If we plant trees, it will contribute good habitats for some animals, birds and insects which will automatically promote the green living and biodiversity in the world. Tree provides many things to balance the ecosystem like, shelter, food, air and many more things.

Trees Helps to Prevent Soil Erosion

If we plant trees in a large amount so their roots bind the soil together which prevent soil from erosion caused by wind and water.  This is mainly important in the coastal areas and in the hilly region where the soil erosion led to loss the fertility of the soil.

Trees Helps in Providing Shade

Planting lots of trees near your home is very beneficial and it is true, because the trees help in reducing the energy consumptions. Tree also provides shade during hot summer, and prevent from the high temperature which reduces the need of the AC. Not only in summer but in winter also they act like a wind breaks which reduces the heater cost.

How Trees Enhance Mental and Physical Health?

In many researches it is proven that spending time around the trees helps to reduce the stress, anxiety, depression and help to maintain the mental health. The green spaces trigger our mind to do physical activities like walking and jogging which improver our physical health. This is not all trees also helps in reducing noise pollution in the urban areas and helps to create a peaceful environment.

Trees Helps to Conserve Water

Tree maintains the water cycle by capturing the rainwater and reducing runoff. It not only helps to maintain ground water but also prevent us from the flood. It also purify most of the water and act like a natural water purifier to provide clean and fresh water to drink.

Tree Provides Medicine and Food

As we know when there was no technology but then also there was some good treatment methods which were done by herbal things which are provided by the plants and trees. It also provides us nuts, fruits and vegetables which contributes in food security and health benefits.

Trees Helps in Sustainable Living

Planting trees and plants promotes green living. This helps in reducing harmful gases, soil erosion and provides renewable resources to create a green and sustainable environment for future generation.

Final Thoughts

I hope you all got the answer of why to plant trees? Here is the final thought of “Why to Plant Trees” for the environment. Planting trees is one of the most effective and simplest way by which everyone can contribute their efforts to the environment. Planting tree is not a tough task and can be done by everyone. Whether you want to tackle the climate change, support wildlife or improve quality of air and water, you need to plant tree. By encouraging tree planting into our daily bases can help us to create a greener city and healthier world for our future generation.

If you care about sustainable living, so please read this “why to plant trees” article carefully and begin by planting a tree today to inspire others to join you. United, we can create a meaningful impact!

FAQ Related to “Why to plant trees” in environment.

Why to plant trees for the environment?

If you have also have the same question Why to plant trees for the environment so you are at right place because Planting trees are important for the environment as it improves the air quality, helps to combat from climate change, reduce carbon dioxide, support biodiversity, prevent soil from erosion and provides medicine and foods. These are the essential things for the survival which are provided by the trees.

Which trees are best for improving biodiversity?

There are some trees like Mango, Banyan, Fig, and Oak which provide oxygen in high amount and attract birds, butterflies, and insects by providing them shade and shelters.

What are the trees which can grow quickly and easily?

If you are beginner and want to contribute some trees for the world health so here are some trees which can grow quickly and easily like Moringa, Guava, Mango, Lemon, and Pine tree. It requires very less maintenance and are capable to grow in any climate.

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