POLLUTION: 4 Deadly Types of Pollution & Prevention

Pollution is a common environmental problem that causes risk on human health and on the ecosystem. It is mainly caused due to harmful substance in the nature and due to the human activities. The bad effect of the pollution includes climate change, biodiversity loss and various health disorders in the human body. It is important to understand “what is pollution”, “types of pollution” and their impacts on the daily life, so that we can come up with a effective solution for this to promote a cleaner, healthier planet. Let’s discuss the types of pollution and see why they are harmful.

Types of Pollution in the world:

If we talk about the types of pollution it can be differentiated in many categories based on its medium and on its affects.

The most common types of pollution are:

1. Air pollution

2. Water Pollution

3. Soil pollution

4. Noise pollution

Each types of pollution have their different causes, with their different effects and preventive measures. Let’s find all the types of pollution and try to understand them from the depth.

1. Air pollution

If we talk about the types of pollution air pollution is one of them which is mainly caused when the harmful substances are added into the atmosphere, Including harmful gases, dust particles and chemicals. It makes the air polluted and dangerous to breath.

Causes of Air Pollution:

  • Gases that comes out form the vehicles
  • Industrial waste in the form of gases
  • Deforestation by wildfires
  • Burning of fossil fuels like coal, petrol, diesel etc.

Effects of Air Pollution:

  • Causes lung cancer and may respiratory problems.
  • It increases the temperature of the earth which causes global warming and climate change.
  • The harmful gases get mixed in rain water and causes acid rain.
  • Decreases the quality of the air and causes difficulty in  breathing.

Precautions for controlling:

  • Rules and regulation for the harmful gases.
  • Promoting sustainable life and by planting more plants.

Essay on Air Pollution:

Air pollution is one of the most common pollution in the world which is causing dangerous effects on the environment and on the life human beings. The root causes of the air pollution is mainly Industrialization, vehicle emission, deforestation, burning of the fossil fuels and some of the  mistakes that are done by humans. It is increasing day by day which is now causing a dangerous effects on our survival. Due to the air pollution people are suffering from the respiratory disorders and the climate is changing rapidly. In nowadays smog filled cities, depletion in ozone layer and rising of global temperature are the most common sign that are given by the nature to us, so that we can control the pollution before any disaster. However the government is taking some initiatives to control the pollution. Through the strict rules and regulation, cleaner energy adoption, and by global cooperation we can minimize the effects of the air pollution.


What is a primary cause of air pollution?
A) Planting trees
B) Vehicle emissions
C) Rainfall
D) Solar panels

2. Water pollution

Water pollution occurs when some harmful particles are added into the water bodies which makes them unsafe for drinking, cooking or unsafe for the aquatic animals.

Causes of Water pollution:

  • Dumping of the Industrial waste in water.
  • Using too much plastic and throwing them into water.
  • Using of high amount of pesticides and chemicals.

Effects of Water Pollution:

  • Diseases like cholera is caused by water pollution.
  • Danger for the aquatic life.
  • Make water unsafe for drinking.

Precautions for controlling:

  • Try to reduce plastic waste. Use paper bags or the natural jute bags.
  • Manage the industrial waste properly.
  •  Treating the waste water before discarding it.
  • Embrace eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Essay on water pollution:

Water pollution occurs when some harmful particles or substances are added into the water bodies. It is also known as a silent killer because it not only affects humans it also affects the marine life. Polluted water bodies hinders the biodiversity and causes problem in the food chain. The root cause of this pollution is not managing the industrial waste properly and dumping it into the water, throwing lot’s of plastic into water and using of the harmful chemicals also is one of the most common factor which led to the water pollution. This water pollution is causing lot’s of issues such as cholera disease, decreasing the drinking water level and decreasing the human and marine life. For controlling this we can take some precaution such as usage of natural jute bags instead of plastic bag, managing the industrial waste and embracing the eco-friendly agriculture practices.


Which human activity is a major contributor to water pollution?
A) Fishing
B) Plastic waste dumping
C) Wind farming
D) Solar energy use

3. Soil Pollution

When degradation of land occurs due to some toxic chemical, excessive use of pesticides and industrial waste is known as soil pollution.

Causes of Soil Pollution:

  • Waste that releases from the industries and agriculture.
  • Soil erosion and deforestation.
  • Not disposing waste properly.
  • Excessive use of chemicals.

Effects of Soil Pollution:

  • Soil looses its fertility due to this.
  • Damage the eco-system and food chain
  • Damage crops or due to high chemical when we consume, it affects on our overall health.

Precautions to control it:

  • Focus on promoting organic farming.
  • Reduce the use of fertilizer and harmful chemicals.
  • Recycle the things and dispose the waste properly.
  • Plant as much trees you can so that it will help in soil conservation.

Essay on soil pollution:

When degradation of land occurs due to some toxic chemical, excessive use of pesticides and industrial waste is known as soil pollution. It is a very common pollution which is increasing day by day because of using excessive fertilizer and pesticides in agriculture. Not managing the industrial waste is also a very reason for the soil pollution. These harmful chemicals not only harms plants, it also get absorbed by the soil and affects the human health. Due to this soil pollution Soil loses its fertility and Damages the eco-system and food chain. Organic farming, waste management and less use of pesticides and chemicals are the key strategies to reduce the soil pollution.

4. Noise Pollution

The excessive or the disturbing sounds that disturbs the normal activities and hinders human and animals health is known as noise pollution.

Causes of Noise Pollution:

  • Industrialization and the urbanization is causing the noise pollution.
  • Using of loud speakers, construction work and machinery causes noise pollution.
  • Big airports and railways and traffic on the roads also causes noise pollution.

Effects of Noise Pollution:

  • Causes issue in hearing and stress.
  • Sleep disturbance and reduces productivity.
  • Behavioral changes in animals.

Precautions for controlling:

  • There should be rules and regulation regarding noise controlling
  • Use fire crackers and loud speaker in a limit.
  • Use green spaces so that it can absorb the excessive sound.

Essay On Noise Pollution:

Noise pollution is also a highly growing issue that is affecting the mental and physical health of humans and animals. In cities constant honking of vehicles and speakers create a excessive sound which is irritating and can cause mental instability. Unlike other types of pollution, noise pollution do not leave any visible trace which makes it more challenging to find. However with the proper management in the cities, using noise barriers and by spreading awareness we can tackle this issue also. We just need teamwork and understanding to minimize the noise pollution.


What is a common source of noise pollution in cities?
A) Trees
B) Traffic congestion
C) Solar panels
D) Wind energy


As we saw that the pollution is a very big problem that everyone is facing in the world. It has affected the overall environment, biodiversity, and human health. Each types of pollution come up with unique challenges that need an urgent action. In this post we have talked about all the critical types of pollution by understanding their causes, effects and the precaution that we should take to control it. Please read it carefully and answer the quizzes in the comment box. I will be waiting for your answers…… Thank you 🙂


What is the best way to combat pollution?
A) Ignoring the issue
B) Implementing stricter regulations and sustainable practices
C) Increasing fossil fuel usage
D) Dumping waste into rivers

What is Air Pollution?

If we talk about the types of pollution air pollution is one of them which is mainly caused when the harmful substances are added into the atmosphere, Including harmful gases, dust particles and chemicals. It makes the air polluted and dangerous to breath.

What is Water Pollution?

Water pollution occurs when some harmful particles are added into the water bodies which makes them unsafe for drinking, cooking or unsafe for the aquatic animals.

What is Soil Pollution?

When degradation of land occurs due to some toxic chemical, excessive use of pesticides and industrial waste is known as soil pollution.

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